How to stop Chronic Overthinking?
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Before approaching chronic overthinking, let us get acquainted with the subtle difference between chronic overthinking and overthinking. When it has been a long time since someone is stuck in this condition, and it is now affecting his life on a big scale, then it can be referred to as chronic overthinking. Overthinking is when a person thinks too much about the future or past but, it has less effect on his day-to-day life.
But on the whole, both are nasty mental health issues.
Life gives us many ups and downs, where we need to think a lot before reaching a decision. It’s all right to question the decisions before coming to a concrete solution.
What if we start taking unnecessarily extra time in decision-making and think about a problem so much that we forget to complete other more essential tasks in our daily routine?
In this condition (overthinking), we stay stuck in our thought process most of the time of the day and, instead of finding a solution to the obvious predicament ahead of us, our thoughts feel muddled. That is a sign that we might have been caught up in the vicious cycle of overthinking.
On top of this, if we start spending most of our precious daytime dwelling upon mistakes made in the past or worrying too much about some future event, this might be an indication that we have developed a mental condition known as overthinking.
Chronic Overthinker
The general signs that indicate that you have been stuck in the loop of chronic overthinking are:
- Cannot stop the mind from thinking meaninglessly, it acts like a bucking bronco.
- Worrying about some future event so much that you can’t stop your mind from ruminating for 24 hours (while not sleeping).
- Replaying past bad experiences in the mind over and over again, not being able to stop the mind from doing so. Past bad experiences can fill a person with guilt.
- Can’t stop yourself from dwelling on some trivial issues while doing other daily tasks simultaneously.
- While in a group, having a continuous fear of saying something or doing something that might embarrass you in front of them (people who cannot focus properly while being in a group often face this problem).
- Carrying out simple tasks becomes difficult while surrounded by others.
- That person keeps thinking that he could end up in a fight with someone because of his own or other’s wrong actions (consequences of negative thinking). That person is always worried about how he would react in that situation.
- Thinking too much about your present life scenarios like:
- What kind of person are you?
- How do others see you?
- The way your life is going, is it good enough?
- The work you are doing, will it pay you off?
- Thinking all the time about things that are not in your control.
- Mind thinks about what we do not even want to think about.
These signs could help in examining if you are a chronic overthinker.
Other Consequences
Many studies have shown that thinking too much gives rise to negative thoughts. These thoughts reduce the mind’s ability to reason when encountering some simple but new situation. While others would complete a new task easily using their reasoning abilities, an overthinker who is not using his reasoning abilities properly might act differently.
A chronic overthinker usually starts thinking about the most dangerous outcomes of any situation, which are hardly real or are extreme consequences. In many cases, people develop suicidal behavior after realizing that they are not normal and are not able to become normal again.
Memory power also diminishes over time as the side effects of dwelling on negative thoughts. One might find it difficult to recall names, dates and concepts that came across just three or four days ago.
If not addressed within the right time, conditions will only get worse. It can lead to many other mental health conditions which are associated with chronic overthinking, like
- Social anxiety disorder (Social Phobia)
- Focus and concentration issues
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Depression
- Mental fatigue
And physical issues like
- Headaches (Stress for a long time can lead to Migraine)
- Body fatigue
- Sleeping disorders like Insomnia, which alters the amazing healing process of REM sleep
- Weight gain
- Digestive issues (including nausea or sometimes diarrhea)
These mental health conditions show direct proportionality with overthinking. Stress, anxiety and social phobias can also give rise to overthinking or vice versa. According to researchers, it cannot be predicted which will start in the first place.
In most cases, consumers do not even realize their mental condition and keep on living life with the habit of thinking too much. An Overthinker’s life passes him by, but he doesn’t even realize it.
This could continue for years. They unconsciously develop other mental health conditions alongside, which count as consequences of chronic overthinking (mentioned earlier).
This leads them to live a life full of fears, anxiety and worries. Many joyful moments of life are lived under stress due to the wrong perceptions created in the mind. This happens due to thinking again and again about the moments.
If you have reached this far by reading this article, then you might have some of these symptoms. A reason for your efforts could be your wish to get over this never-ending mental loop.
Getting out of the circle of overthinking might not be easy for some people, but persistence is the key to reaching every final goal.
Best ways to stop overthinking
Awareness about Triggers – There are certain moments and incidents which give push to our thoughts and at that very moment our mind starts ruminating. These specific moments work as triggers. Rumination could be positive or negative, depending upon triggers. That is why keeping track of them is a must.
It might take time, but as we start noticing these triggers and thinking patterns, we can evade those situations. After being able to notice that negative thoughts in our mind are only outcomes of these triggers, it helps us to understand the real problem.
Journaling – It is a process of writing down one’s thoughts and feelings on a page to understand them more deeply. It can help in understanding the difference between normal thoughts and the brain’s exaggerated make up. It will help in tracking down the causes, symptoms and ways to cure them in a more systematic way.
When we know the causes behind stress and anxiety, then it becomes easier to make plans to dodge them.
Mindfulness – According to the Google dictionary, mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious and aware of something. In simple words, it is the quality of paying complete attention to what is going on in our surroundings and our minds as well. It is a fact that we can’t stop our mind from wandering, but when we are aware of thoughts we are on, we can press the pause button instantly.
Practicing mindfulness can increase performance in professional life, reduce stress and anxiety levels. Maintaining the same practice again and again can develop a habit of processing our thoughts. Finding the triggers in our surroundings also becomes easier.
Meditation – It is an ancient technique developed in India and exercised by the whole world. It is mainly used to reduce stress and anxiety levels, but science has shown its many other vital benefits like developing concentration, controlling emotions, feel good effects etc.
Meditating is a little identical to mindfulness in many aspects. As we observe our breath and redirect our focus on it, we feel calm and relaxed. Practicing daily how to redirect focus to breath develops a habit of concentrating on more important tasks.
In the beginning, meditating may not seem helpful because thoughts will not let us focus on breath. But learning it the right way and under a professional can help experience its best outcomes.
Exercise – Research has shown that working out four to five times a week is very helpful in many ways. By exercising, our body releases endorphins which are also known as the feel good hormones (besides serotonin, dopamine). Endorphins are released when our body feels pain or it’s under stress. While in enjoyable activities like mild exercise, eating, going for a walk, sex etc., endorphin hormones are released.
Besides decreasing the stress level, it also helps in increasing energy level and self-esteem. The more we feel good about ourselves, the more we accept our past and present.
Sharing with some near ones – Getting help from family and friends can also help. Someone who has the right knowledge about this condition, so that he/she can understand the actual scenario. When that person is around you, he will make you aware of the triggers and patterns whenever needed. They can stop you immediately when noticing that you have started overthinking, or you have been stuck in this endless loop.
Meet a professional – A mental health professional can help you identify your mood swings, patterns, triggers etc. They can help you to make strategies to stop rumination.
I hope the best ways to stop overthinking mentioned above will help you efficiently. But in case they don’t, then therapists can do great help. At the end, your will to achieve the desired goal counts as the main factor.
Answer this question, “Is overthinking eating out your whole day?”. If the answer is somewhat close to that, then it is better to start working on it from right now. Otherwise, it will ruin your life sooner or later.
Life is a beautiful gift given to everyone, and it is everyone’s right to live it with full joy. But it is also a fact that life will not be easy. There are certain challenges to face in every living human’s life. And one who faces those challenges with the right strategy wins over them.
So, instead of sitting idle while stuck in useless thought loops, move your body and make your own strategies right now.